President's Message
Welcome to the website of the KLCA. You’ll find a wealth of information here about the Kawagama Lake community and the activities, services, and support that are available.
Kawagama Lake is a unique place in the county of Haliburton. It’s at the head of the Muskoka Watershed which means that few other lakes flow into our waterways, and those that do generally come from Algonquin Park. Kawagama is the largest lake in the county and the fifth largest inland lake in Central Ontario cottage country, with nearly 120 km of shoreline but only about 1200 property owners. Kawagama Lake is a particularly deep lake, with many parts of the lake well over 30 m deep. The lands surrounding Kawagama are largely still owned by the Crown. The pristine forests, with an abundance of fish, wildlife, and clear, clean water that Kawagama and Bear Lakes enjoy are commodities that are hard to find today, especially within a three hour drive from Toronto.
The mission of the KLCA is to “Preserve the Heritage.” We do this with committees that monitor our environment with a focus on water quality, water levels and fisheries. We cooperate with the Algonquin Highlands Township and comment on development and minor variance proposals. We set out and maintain a lake marker system to assist with safe navigation. In order to stay current on lakefront property owners’ issues, our Directors are also Directors on the CHA (Coalition of Haliburton Property Owners’ Associations) and several MNRF (Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry) committees. On the community side of things, we hold an annual family Regatta on the August long weekend with hundreds of attendees each year.
To stay in touch with our members, we have a strong communications network with our own website, our winter newsletter and summer newsflashes, a Facebook page, and our iconic yearbook, Reflections.
I trust you will continue to support your Lake Association by renewing your membership each year. You may also wish to consider joining the Board or one of our committees (see “About Us” on the website or click Volunteer in the top menu).
See you around the lake!
Sean Fleming